Moxley & Associates, LLC provides multiple payment options so that consumers may easily resolve their debts with our clients. There are no fees associated with any of the below listed payment methods.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4953
Montgomery, AL 36103
Online Payment
Consumers may make cash payments in person at the office located at 556 S. Perry Street, Montgomery, AL 36104.
Money Order
Money orders must be properly filled out by the payer and list Moxley & Associates, LLC as the payee. We ask that you please include your account number to ensure proper application. If you do not have your account number please contact us at 866-996-3277.
Personal Checks
Personal checks must be properly filled out by the payer and list Moxley & Associates, LLC as the payee. We ask that you please include your account number to ensure proper application. If you do not have your account number please contact us at 866-996-3277. The firm does not accept postdated personal checks. If you would like to arrange postdated transactions please contact us at 866-996-3277.
Official/Certified Checks
Official or certified checks must properly list Moxley & Associates, LLC as the payee. We ask that you please include your account number to ensure proper application. If you do not have your account number please contact us at (877)542-3555.
Check by phone
Please contact us at 866-996-3277 to arrange a check payment by phone. You have the option to arrange a single payment or multiple postdated payments. Your account representative can provide you with more information.
Credit/Debit Transactions
Credit transactions are not allowed for any client that is a credit issuer. For these clients only debit transactions will be accepted. Please contact us at 866-996-3277 to arrange a credit/debit transaction by phone. You have the option to arrange a single payment or multiple postdated payments. Your account representative can provide you with more information.